Da Dzaka Nakot drops three new tracks
Dialogue with Macedonian Visual Artists: Bridging Generations and Ideas
"Rumena Bužarovska’s Toni: A Bold Debut Novel
„Toni“: Prvi roman Rumene Bužarovske koji izaziva smeh i nelagodu
Martix promoting his new album Arsen with a concert and a mini festival
Kendrick Lamar releases Squabble up video
Otvorenje izložbe: "Ples, Otpornost, (Ne)rad – Aspekti plesa kao kulturnog, političkog i umjetničkog djela u Jugoslaviji i nakon nje"
Exhibition Opening: "Dancing, Resisting, (Un)working – Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political, and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After"
APIMIX – The Ultimate Elixir of Bee Products
Trio Aperto in concert in KIC
Acoustic concert from a punk rock band Kulturno Umetnicki Rabotnici (Cultural Art Workers) in KIC salon
Artists in Germany are imagining Eastern Europe future
Da Dzaka Nakot drops three new tracks
Dialogue with Macedonian Visual Artists: Bridging Generations and Ideas
"Rumena Bužarovska’s Toni: A Bold Debut Novel
„Toni“: Prvi roman Rumene Bužarovske koji izaziva smeh i nelagodu
Martix promoting his new album Arsen with a concert and a mini festival
Kendrick Lamar releases Squabble up video
Otvorenje izložbe: "Ples, Otpornost, (Ne)rad – Aspekti plesa kao kulturnog, političkog i umjetničkog djela u Jugoslaviji i nakon nje"
Exhibition Opening: "Dancing, Resisting, (Un)working – Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political, and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After"
APIMIX – The Ultimate Elixir of Bee Products
Trio Aperto in concert in KIC
Acoustic concert from a punk rock band Kulturno Umetnicki Rabotnici (Cultural Art Workers) in KIC salon
Artists in Germany are imagining Eastern Europe future